New MOTU Classic figures coming in February!
Check out these new MOTU Classic figures coming February 15th only on!
Trap Jaw - $20.00 - Club Eternia Figure
Battle Cat $30.00 - Bonus figure
Wun-Dar (only available to Club Eternia Members)
Wun-Dar will be mailed out automatically to all Club Members. (the subscription fee paid at sign up covers this figure). Club members will also recieve an exclusive map of Eternia which contains secrets of the Elders on the backside! These secrets can not be shared with anyone who is not a member! Anyone caught sharing them (or posting them online) will be cursed by the black magicians of the Dark Hemisphere forever! So guard these secrets with all your power!
Battle Cat is the first oversized figure. He will be $30.00 and is not part of the Club Eternia subscription. First come first serve on this one!
Here is the back of the Battle Cat box.
Trap Jaw contains all the parts for Trap Jaw and Kronis. He includes an interchangable head and arm as well as three weapon attachments. His jaw opens and closes too! He is the club Eternia figure. If you are a member you will be billed automatically and he will be shipped.
Here is the back of Trap Jaw with his bio!
Here is Wun-Dar the Savage He-Man! He is only available to Club members. You will automatically receive one Wun-Dar figure for each subscription you purchased. Wun-Dar will not be available for sale. Subscribers will also receive a map of Eternia folded as a 10X10 square with Wun-Dar. (it folds out to 30 X 20)
Here is Wun-Dar's bio.
You will receive one map and one Wun-Dar for every subscription you purchased.
See you online! And don't forget Goddess and Randor on sale Dec 15th only on MattyCollector